Putting on my “big girl panties” today

Do you remember the days of the week panties? For kids, it made sure we were changing our panties every day: shutting the dirty and putting on the clean and fresh.


When we say putting on her big girl panties, it means to grow up, leave the past behind.


Shed the old, the dirty, the past sins: put on the clean, new life in God’s glory.


God calls us to “no longer live like the Gentiles” Ephesians 4:17. Those who are not believers “wander far from the life God gives “Ephesians 4:18. 


The Gentiles who are hardened to God’s word, have no shame and seek lustful pleasure are our old panties, yesterday’s panties.


But, today’s a new day.


Ephesians 4:20-24 speaks to the new people we are in Jesus, disregard our sinful nature, and put it on our new righteous and holy nature, our fresh new big girl panties.

  • Stop telling lies

  • Don’t let anger control you

  • Don’t steal

  • Be generous

  • Don’t curse

  • Say only edifying things

  • Be good and helpful

  • Get rid of bitterness

  • Stop gossiping

Be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving as Christ forgave us Ephesians 4:25-32


Girl, it’s time to grow up and put on your big girl panties. Be the woman God made you be.


Christine’s Mother


Sacrificing versus Investing