Running from God

For many years, throughout my twenties and even into my thirties, I ran from God.  I ran from God’s love, from His protection, and God’s desire in my life.  I would justify my decisions: 

  • I work hard, I deserve this

  • I don’t go to church because I feel judged

  • I don’t think about inserting God in my life

  • I am too busy to get in the word today.

Justifying our behavior is not new. Adam justified his sin by stating that Eve convinced him to eat the forbidden fruit and Eve blamed the serpent.  Jonah justified disobeying God to warn the people of Ninevah because he did not feel they were worth saving.

In being responsible for my behavior and being my authentic self I can see that what I am doing is offering up excuses for my behavior, rationalizing my choices, defending my emotions. None of these foster my growth and maturity in Christ, nor do they make me the person I want to be.  I am running from the truth, running from God.

Now it is time for me to run to God.


Can we abide by Philippians 4:8-9 in today’s world?


Who in your life prayed for you?